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Sam Crow posted a new discussion4 years ago

Changes to borrow from other systems?

What features are needed by CanDo that can be borrowed from other implementations? Graphics card support comes to my mind. Maybe sound card support...

General Multimedia Authoring

I think AmigaVIsion, along with the Amiga itself, was one of Commodore's biggest missed opportunities. They could have offloaded all the file...

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Sam Crow replied to the topic 'I'm SamuraiCrow!' in the forum. 4 years ago

Virtual Private Server? Which VPS do you need? Hollywood runs on almost anything n


Sam Crow has a new profile cover. 4 years ago
Sam Crow posted a new discussion4 years ago

How many multimedia authoring systems have you tried?

I have the following: AmigaVision 2.0 CanDo! 3.0 Hollywood 8.0 Others I haven't tried: Helm Scala Multimedia How many more are out there?

General Multimedia Authoring
Sam Crow created a new group 4 years ago

General Multimedia Authoring

Multimedia authoring packages have been around for some time and this group is to compare and contrast them all.  Especially comparing those on Amiga.
Sam Crow replied to the topic 'I'm SamuraiCrow!' in the forum. 4 years ago

It requires a modern amount of RAM and CPU. It generally needs a graphics card and sound card. It runs on a Raspberry Pi without complaint though under Linux. Hollywood and CanDo are in different leagues but I like Hollywood's plug-in interface for cross-platform application support using the RapaGUI interface plug-in.


Marisa Giancarla is friends with Sam Crow

Sam Crow created a new topic ' I'm SamuraiCrow!' in the forum. 4 years ago

Hi! I'm Sam Crow!

I currently use Hollywood and love all sorts of media authoring software!


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