The program you want to use for WinUAE is called NewMode and its available to download from Aminet. It will promote the screen for use while using...The program you want to use for WinUAE is called NewMode and its available to download from Aminet. It will promote the screen for use while using an Amiga emulator. It just drops into your WBStartup folder. Should have directions for use included. Show more

Daniel Beaver
I've been using ModePro for quite a while, how does NewMode differ?
7 months ago

John England
Daniel, same thing. Probably just different configurations.
7 months ago

John England
The other guy installed Cando on a WINUAE setup and couldn't see anything when he launched it. I remembered that you needed a program to promote the...
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7 months ago

John England is friends with Matthew Ingle
Marisa Giancarla is friends with John England